The Benefice of Bentley, Binsted & Froyle Churches
The Benefice of Bentley, Binsted & Froyle Churches

Weekly Home Groups

As well as our main services in our three churches on Sundays, we also offer a variety of day time and evening home groups across the villages.  These groups focus on bible study, prayer, faith and friendship.  If you would like to find out more about our home groups you can call the church office on 01420 23339 or contact the home group leaders below:


10am Ladies Home Group (Contact Kay - 07979 522480 or Cathie - 07828 083535)
7pm Mixed Home Group (Contact Marilyn - 07801 059490)

7:30pm Ladies Home Group (Contact Clare Silk -

4:30pm Ladies Home Group (Contact Pippa - 07714 239644)
6pm Ladies Home Group (Contact Kathy - 01420 23125)
7:30pm Mens Groups: Group 1 - Nick Carter (01420 489122), Group 2 - Richard Myers (07793 451477)

3:30pm Froyle Bible Study Group (Contact Christopher - 07776 178690 or William - 01420 23164)

Get in touch:

For further information please contact:

Lucinda Edwards 


Phone: 01420 23339

Contact the Church Office here

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© Bentley, Binsted and Froyle Church Benefice